Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Battle of the labyrinth

The Battle of the Labyrinth is a great addition to the Percy Jackson & The Olympians series. It includes action, betrayal, mystery, and best of all violence. The story begins with Percy going to another new school. He soon encounters some empousai and they throw off his almost normal day. In the previous books there has been a build up of the all might titan... Kronos. Percy must fight his way through Dauedalus's labyrinth to try and stop Kronos from rising, can he do it? The answer lies within the book. This is a great read for everybody, and I recommend it to anybody who loves fantasy. I do suggest reading the first 3 books before reading this book or this one will be confusing. My favorite dialogue from the book is "I hope you know what you're doing," she said quietly.
"I hope so too."

Overall it is a great book... READ IT!
Bud, Not Buddy is a book for teens I would think because it has a lot of lifestyles they had down south. Bud is a foster child and so is his friend Bugs. One day they got adopted and Bugs was going to a whole family of three girls and Bud was going to a horrible place with a single child named Todd and Bud did not like the picture of this because Todd is a trouble maker. My favorite quote in the book involves Bud and Bugs. I spit a big glob of slob in his hand and said, "We're brothers forever, Bugs." That quote is the one when they are about to leave to their foster families. Later, when Bud gets to his foster family, the first step into their house bud does not like the look of it. This whole book is based on Bud trying to find his Dad and the only evidence he has is the picture he has of his Dad in the Jazz band. So in Todds room Todd starts to bully Bud and in the book it says Todd took a Ticonderoga pencil and stook it up his nose on the eraser part and put it up his nose till the "R."Bud later got his revenge and then ran away.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Flipped is a novel by Wendelin Van Draanen. This book is about Julianna Baker (Juli) and Bryce Loski. When they were in the second grade, Bryce moved in across the street from Juli. For Juli, it was love at first sight. The first time she saw him, she was flipped. But when he first saw her, he ran.

Juli always went around saying that he was walking around with "her first kiss." That all changed in eighth grade. Starting in eighth grade Juli and Bryce "flipped." Juli decided that she was through with Bryce Loski. But Bryce realized that he spend his whole life avoiding her and never really knew her. He was flipped. Will they get together? Will Juli change her mind? Will Bryce change his mind? You'll have to read to book to figure it out!

I really enjoyed this book. I love to read romance books because they just make me feel so happy. If you like romance, I would definitely recommend this book. Romance is such a fun genre to read. Even if you are a boy and think romance is gross, just try it out. Don't judge a book by it's cover! My favorite line from the book is by Bruce. It is: "A month ago I wouldn't have paid any attention to the picture of Juli, but now I found myself staring at it." I love this quote because he realizes that he loves Juli and I think it is so adorable!


This is a cool book about a boy named Jack. His dad dies at the beginning of the book in a plane crash. Through the beginning of the book Jack is trying to figure out what caused the plane to crash. While he is looking for information on the plane crash, he meets an old man that tells him about his father and what he did. He also figures out he has cool superpowers. So the old man tries to train him, but in the middle of the training the old man got shot and dies. When the old man dies, Jack realizes that he needs to train and defeat the bad guys who killed his dad. A quote that I liked in this book is "always watch for the second bullet". I think this book would be for people who like the climax to drag and drag until the very end, and then everything just jumps until it is over.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Wating for Normal

Addie is a 6th Grader, whose parents have had a divorce. She lives with her mom, who she calls Mommers. Her family is being split apart, bit by bit but her Dad, Dwight has to get a house for her and her mom to stay in. Dwight finds them a trailer. Addie is getting used to the neighborhood, well if you count a neighborhood the laundromat and the gas station. Read this book to find out about Addie's adventures! It is more of a girl book, but boys can read it also. I would rate this book a 4 star because it wasn't the best book I've read, but it was still pretty good!

The book I read is The Sorceress by Michael Scott. It is the third book in the Nicholas Flamel series. Josh and Sophie are the main characters, and through the series they have to learn the elemental magics: fire, water, earth, and air. Sophie has already learned fire and air magics, but her brother Josh has yet to learn any. In this book they travel through London, fighting monsters and the Magician, Dr. John Dee. They're trying to find Gilgamesh the King so he can teach them the magic of water. I think people who liked the Harry Potter series will enjoy these books. My favorite quote is "Let me speak to the old man. And don't tell him I said that!".

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I read the book The Book Thief. My neighbor told me about this book and it sounded really creepy, because it is narrated by death. Creepy right? I decided to give it a chance and it is on my list of favorite books!
It is based in Germany in 1939 when Hitler is taking over. Leisel, the main character is heading to her new foster family with her Mother and Brother. On the way there they face many challenges and trials. Leisel meets her Foster family, Hans and Rosa. She learns to love both of them like her real family even though Rosa is very strict. Leisel becomes very interested in books which she does not always recieve fairly. She becomes accustomed to reading every night with Hans even though neither of them can read very well. Hans has more than one secret in this thrilling book!
I never thought I would be reading a book about Nazis, but I couldn't put this book down! If you want an interesting book that you won't want to put down this one is for you! Another thing that I thought was interesting is how it quotes things in German, and then gives a translation! My favorite quote in this book is "....The book was starting to burn her. It seemed to be igniting." I like this because I think it means more than the book was just hot, she felt burned inside.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Titanic is a book about a ship from 1912 that sunk on its maiden (first) voyage. The story is about almost all you need to know about the famous ship. It begins with the explanation of its construction in Belfast, Ireland by a company called Harland and Wolff. Then you read about its journey from Southampton, U.K. to some other countries before heading across the Atlantic to New York, the ship's main destination.

On the way over to New York, several hundred miles from Newfoundland, Frederick Fleet, the man in the crow's nest of the ship (basically the lookout), sees a black object. If he had binoculars, he would have seen the iceberg sooner. Once he realizes what it is, he calls down to the bridge (the controls of the ship) and says he sees an iceberg. The man who hears it runs to Captain Edward J. Smith and tells him. He then closes the ship's watertight compartments, built to keep out water and tells the people at the main controls to put the ship on reverse and "hard a' starboard", meaning away from starboard, which is right (as in starboard. Port is left). So basically saying go reverse and turn left.

When the ship passes the berg, it looks to some as if the ship just missed it. However, in the lower part of the ship, the boiler rooms keeping the engines running start to flood at the front of the ship. Slowly, the water tips from compartment to compartment because they didn't seal all the way. Captain Smith tells his crew to begin putting people in the lifeboats.

In an hour, the lifeboats are out in the ocean, and when there could be 1,109 in the lifeboats, only about 700 were loaded. This caused many deaths to women, children, and men especially. The crew had the most lost lives, then third class, second class, and first class. First class only had maybe six deaths, whereas the crew had about 700 die. Most of the crewmen that died were in the boiler rooms when the Titanic hit the iceberg. When Captain Smith became aware of the water coming into the Titanic, he immediately locked down the water compartments, trapping many people working at the boilers to fuel the ship's engines.

As the Titanic continued to sink, at around 2:00 in the morning, the stern (back) of the ship was at about a 45-degree angle. All the weight in the stern caused a lot of stress at the lower part of the ship, between the sunken and yet to be sunk parts of the ship. The lower area, the hull, could not handle the stress. The middle of the ship has so much stress, the wood on the decks of the ship begins to split. Slowly, the metal of the ship, iron, begins to split as well. Soon the splitting reaches the hull, and it is the only thing keeping Titanic in one piece.

The stern is now horizontal again, but the middle of the ship, where it split, has water rushing into it, speeding up the sinking. It pulls the middle down, making the upper parts of the ship smash into each other again, then, the hull splits. The front of the entire ship has broken off the stern, and is now plummeting to the ocean floor. Meanwhile, the stern is horizontal, but it begins to climb to a steeper and steeper angle, until it is completely vertical. It remains in that position for approximately five minutes, then begins its descent to the bottom of the ocean.

The 700 of the 2,200 people that survived the sinking waited for four to five hours for the rescue ship, Carpathia, reaches their location. They are picked up by the ship and taken to New York, the original destination of the doomed Titanic. The entire world had news of the sinking within a day or two. Everyone knew that the Titanic had sunk, although Bruce J. Ismay, chairman of White Star Line (which owned the Titanic) had said, "This ship is unsinkable!" He was led to believe that because of the watertight compartments Titanic had. Of course, he had turned out to be wrong.


Pillage is a book written by Obert Skye, who is the author of Leven Thumps. Beck Philips' mother just died so he has to go live with his uncle Aeron, as he travels north he notices that the air is very foggy. Beck and his uncle have a very unique ancestry, there ancestors had dragons that pillaged for them to gain wealth, but all died in a tragic way. As Beck explores around his uncles mansion, he finds and observatory with little rocks in a nest like place. He soon finds out that they are dragon eggs.

I really like this book and do recommend it because of how well written it is. "What are they?" he asked. "I think the're dragons."